Norms, Power Relations and Injustices in Digitality: Global Perspectives

Deadline: 01.12.2024

For a Special Section in the "Global Media Journal - German Edition" Autumn/Winter 2025 issue, we invite contributions covering "Norms, Power Relations and Injustices in Digitality: Global Perspectives". The focus is on practices of 'content moderation' on the Web and in social media. The deadline for submitting abstracts (in either English or German) is December 1st, 2024. For details, see

Submissions may be written from the perspective of media and communication studies, sociology, cultural studies, and/or ethics and philosophy. Contributions with an interdisciplinary orientation are especially welcome in order to further initiate a dialogue between the disciplines and to enrich the discourse on power relations, the setting and enforcement of norms and questions of justice and injustice in digitality.


Global Media Journal - German Edition

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