Powers, Processes and Persistence


Powers, Processes and Persistence is the final manifestation of the DFG-Network on Change and Change-Makers (CCM). The goal of CCM was to enable a dialogue about the future of the debate about persistence. In contrast to the standard debate about persistence, where change is simply presupposed, CCM looks closer at how changes come about and how they are mitigated through time. The working hypotheses was that powers are the change makers bringing about change, which unfold as processes over time. These, in turn, are the basis for persistence. Powers, Processes and Persistence is thus not just a random sequence of words, but the blueprint of a novel ontology of persistence. This ontology will be illuminated from various sides by contributions from experts of all three fields.

If you would like to participate, please send an e-mail to Change and Change-Makers <ccm@uni-siegen.de>.

Dirk Franken, Florian Fischer

Weitere Infos 


Universität Siegen, Seminarzentrum, Campus Unteres Schloss (Obergraben 25, 57072 Siegen), Raum 002
