4-year PhD position in Classical German Philosophy

Bewerbungsfrist: 15.08.2024

The Department of Metaphysics and Philosophical Anthropology is looking for a PhD candidate to work on the project “The Origins of Philosophical Anthropology in Classical German Philosophy”. In the eighteenth century, the study of human nature and the development of anthropological theories gained increasing attention. Classical German philosophers played a central role in establishing philosophical anthropology as a proper academic discipline. Kant’s lectures on anthropology, delivered at the University of Königsberg from 1772 to 1796, and his book Anthropologie in pragmatischer Hinsicht (1798) were pivotal in this development. Kant’s work sparked a growing interest in anthropological topics, and his influence can be observed in major representatives of classical German philosophy (from Herder to Hegel) and in other post-Kantian philosophers who contributed to the anthropological debates of the time (such as Carl Leonhard Reinhold, Carl Christian Erhard Schmid, and Jakob Friedrich Fries). Additionally, philosophical approaches were shaped by both the positive and critical reception of contemporaneous scientific anthropologies developed by physicians and life scientists like Johann Friedrich Blumenbach and Ernst Platner. Recent scholarship on classical German philosophy has demonstrated a growing interest in anthropological topics, especially with regard to Kant’s anthropology. However, less attention has been paid to the anthropological accounts of other post-Kantian philosophers and to the influence of empirical research on philosophical theories.

As a PhD candidate, you will conduct research on anthropological theories of one or more authors of classical German philosophy. This may involve focusing on the main proponents (such as Kant, Herder, Fichte, Schelling, Hegel) or expanding the scope of research to include lesser-known or overlooked authors. You will be asked to submit a short research proposal outlining your proposed topic and author(s), and explaining how your proposed research will fit into the project on the origins of philosophical anthropology in classical German philosophy.

See the following link for more information: https://www.ru.nl/en/working-at/job-opportunities/phd-candidate-metaphysics-and-philosophical-anthropology


Radboud University, Nijmegen, Niederlande
